Sunday, January 30, 2011

First Wrestling Tournament

Like father, like son.

Well, I will say this - Buddy competed in his first wrestling tournament on Saturday and it was one of the most painful events I've watched him experience. Am I being dramatic? the Man would say yes, but I will stand by my statement and say it was hard to watch and emotional.  Why?
Little boys wrestling around is crazy.  Every muscle in their little bodies is flexed as they are fighting to not get pinned by one another.  Emotionally they are so focused and engaged in the moment that they exhaust themselves to tears. 
Buddy came up off the mat shaking and crying. I could hardly stand it.  He would go back for more and I would have to get out of my seat and run down to the mat.  Yes, I rushed the mat, ready to pull him into my arms and take him home.  The Man however prevented this and got Buddy and myself calmed down.

Apparently our experience was not uncommon.  My friend Heidi was sitting with M.E. ( her son is in red in the photo above) She said she and her son both were just as stressed as Buddy and I, but it gets better.  Hmm. I don't know if there'll be a next time. 

Buddy has agreed to continue wrestling practice but says he will not compete again, ever.  But after talking to his friend he says he might do a tournament next year.  Will I be going?  Probably not, I don't think I'll be able to take it. Neither of us were ready for this. We went into it completely unaware of the intensity of competing in the sport - a sport I know little about.  We'll have to wait and see.

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