The Man really utilized his time off this week to do some landscaping. And I love how it turned out. So proud of him.
He edged and filled in the area in front of the house with cool rocks. This area was just too awkward to grow grass, so this is a perfect solution.
It makes my azalea look pretty even without blooms and when the rains come in the spring. It'll be great.
Along the garage where Nana and Grandpa cleared out the dead shrubs this spring, he edged and filled it in with bricks and rock for our potted garden. Love this too!
We've got our mums, tomatoes, peppers, basil and other goodies out here.
And of course Babe's rose bush.. It has managed to weather a whole summer of over 100 degrees with much watering and some shade. It just keeps blooming. I'm grateful.
And I have to include Babe and his new hair-do!
Love it....