Friday, March 13, 2009

DAY 1 - Spring Break

All packed to hit the road, including Little Guy.

So we picked up Buddy from school and hit the road heading west. We were so excited to be taking this trip to see Grandpa and Nana. We drove into some snow and after calling Grandpa for a weather report we decided to chance it and make it alittle bit further before stopping for the night. Well, lets just say this was not the best decision and should have listen to Grandpa when he said there was another little snow band ahead.

I was driving outside Amarillo, TX, when we enter a blizzard. There's snow blowing so hard, I can hardly see 10 feet in front of me, the snow is piling up on the roads fast, the windshield wipers are frozen over with sleet and snow so they are basically useless, but I keep going. Luckily, a big semi got in front of me and I was able to follow his tracks at a 15 mph crawl down the highway. Let me just say, I was scared. Very Scared.

And just about as fast as we drove into the storm we were out of it. The whole experience probably only lasted 20 minutes tops, but it seemed like an hour. I was most relieved it was over. We were safe and better for the experience. Moving on down the road.

About an hour later, we are in heavy road construction with barriers on either side of the highway, when Buddy vomits. Bless his little heart, he didn't panic, nor did the Man. Again I was driving. We had to drive for about 10 miles before I could get off an exit to clean up the situation. Needless to say, it was a long night, by the time we got to the hotel and I did some laundry, including the carseat cover. Gotta love it. Buddy is fine. We think it might just have been some car sickness. Not sure, but he's fine now. Hopefully not as many adventures tomorrow.

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