Wednesday, September 2, 2009


I don't know if I've mentioned it here, but we've started a new a reward system at our house. GEMS, which are colored, glass pebbles I picked up in the floral department of Michael's - basically tokens. So here's how it works. The boys can earn 1, 2 or 3 gems from completely various tasks, like 1 gem for cleaning their plates, taking out the garbage, cleaning up their activities when finished, doing something when asked only once, etc. They get 2 gems for reading a book, no time outs, doing homework, no potty accidents at school (Little Guy) and Buddy can earn 3 for having no color changes at school.
The Gems are then spent on tv time (3 gems = :30 minutes), attending extra curricular activities like practices, cub scouts (2 gems), hanging out with school friends (20 gems), or going on an outing (50 gems).
Lets just say, its going well. Buddy has really embraced the idea and set goals for himself and is limiting his tv time, YEAH, this was one of my big goals. And both boys have become more conscience of their action and the running of our household.
Today, our next door neighbor came by with this M&M dispenser that was gifted to her years ago and she found it in her garage and thought my boys would like it. Well, lets just say, they loved it and it was perfect for holding our gems and not a sugary treat. When you pulled the M&Ms down the roller coaster they dispense gems. Its perfect. It makes getting Gems even more exciting.

Little Guys jar is the short one and right now he's has a lot more Gems than Buddy because he only spends his on tv time, whereas Buddy has a lot more activities going on. Right now, he's working getting 50 gems so he and the Man can go mini-golfing. Well see how that goes.

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