Saturday, December 5, 2009

Basketball Season has begun!

Can you believe I forgot my camera this morning?  My scatter-brainess is getting worse and worse. They say its can be induced by pregnancy but I'm beginning to wonder if I'm loosing my marbles.

But we did manage to get the whole family there, with Buddy in uniform and I had snacks. So I remembered almost everything.  Buddy played the 2nd and 4th quarters and made 1 of about 6 shots, scoring a total of 2 points.  Long story short, we lost 11-28.  However it wasn't too disappointing because our kids tried hard and the other team was near professionals.  Rumor has it they practice four nights a week. Yes, 4 nights a week and they are first graders. Ridiculous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't care if we lose every game, I will not be at the gym every night killing the little spirits of our players for a winning season.

Buddy had a blast of course, but seriously needs to be more aggressive in rebounding the other teams missed shots instead ours.

Back home I made some cookie dough that Nana would cook up later today.  Then we headed over to our friends Brian and LeeAnn's for her birthday party.  Then back home to cook for that famiy with the new baby.  It was a busy day and I'm exhausted. 

Here's Buddy dunking a big Man Cookie.

We didn't have any glasses the cookies would fit into so he improvised with little pampered chef bowl.  Which actually worked out better because he didn't waste a bunch of milk and it was a pretty awesome end to our busy day, not to mention snuggling on the couch. 

Buddy discovered that a Harry Porter marathon was on tv, so he, LG and I snuggled up on the couch in our pajama and watched them.  It was really hard not to kiss and squeeze extra tight thinking of my cousin and her daughter in the hospital.  The news today, is that they will begin testing the family (she has 3 brothers) for a bone morrow match.   For those of you with kids and nieces & nephews, hug them one extra time tonight for M.E.

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