Friday, February 27, 2009

Birthday Party!

It was great having the Man home last night. And today is the big birthday party for Buddy's class. Three other boys in his class have birthdays within 3 weeks of each other, so one brilliant Mom got the idea to have one big party for all four boys. Yes! We rented a children's party palace of sorts and it has been so easy. My only real obligation is making the cupcakes.

Kaleidoscope Cupcakes to be exact.
After carpooling a van full of 6 year olds, which is as scary as it sounds, we arrived for some real fun. And it was awesome. The boys ran and played with their buddies and just has a blast.
Buddy really liked the dress-up room and spent most of the party dressed as a knight.
Little Guy ended up in a tube and was rolled all over the playroom. I though sure he'd be sick but he was having too much fun to even realize what was going on.
Even the Dads had to get in on the fun.
Buddy loved the party and had a wonderful birthday with his friends. Thanks to all his friends.

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