Thursday, April 2, 2009

Mother Nature is truely a woman!

How do I know Mother Nature is truly a woman? Because she can't make up her mind if its spring, summer or winter around here.

As you know we were in the 70s a month ago, then we got the 6" of snow, then back up to sunny 60s with storms, and then they issued a freeze warning.

A FREEZE WARNING! Temperatures were to fall into 20s. What about my gorgeous red flowering bush (that I technically don't know what it's called) and the Japanese Maple?

So, I thought I would try to cover them.

The Man thought this look really cheesy and said it would do no good, but I think it's worth a try.

Then I was hit with a thought.... perhaps the reason Mother Nature can't decided on what season it is, might be because I still have my Christmas Angel hanging on the front door.

Its coming down and I'm going to put some nice Easter eggs and flowers up, so Mother Nature we are done with winter at our house!!

1 comment:

  1. My mom would be SO proud of your efforts to save the blooms! She is preparing now for the cold weather in KY in a couple of days. Her mission: to save blueberries and everything else she can cover.....she has tons of blankets for a mission trip to Nicaragua...i think she's going to use them and boxes to save her flowers. :)

