Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Rainy Day Art Project

This Friday, I will be leading an art project with a local Girl Scout Troop and knowing we have a baseball game Thursday night I knew I'd better get all set today. And what better day, it's been raining since about 8 AM and there's no end in sight. As Mother's Day is approaching, I decided to have the troop do a Mother's Day collages. Here's the one I made for Mom. I love this pic, so I was glad to get to use it in another way other than scrapbook page. It was taken when Mom & M.E. went on a scrapbooking bus tour around KY. It was so fun!!

So today, I painted all the boards for the girls.

Then I assembled all the supplies into an art pack. They looked so fabulous on my orange table cloth.I'm really excited about these project and I hope it goes well. And that I get to post pics from the girls doing it.

Also, got THE CALL today from Buddy's school. A couple of weeks ago the principal of Buddy's school called to personally tell M.E. there was a science teacher opening for middle school. Long story short I interviewed last week and it looked promising from the current Principal's stand point because he knows M.E. and I think he really wanted M.E. in the classroom, but the new incoming principal was alittle hesitant because I've only taught math, not science, so I was told today that I didn't get the job. (that's a huge run-on sentence)

Am I upset? Hardly, I'm really glad I don't have to make the decision of going back to work or not. I get to stay home another year with Little Guy and volunteer and that's really where I need to be.

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