Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry, Merry Christmas Eve

We started out the day with some lovely snowman pancakes, yummy.

Then we watched the weather and doppler, the weather and doppler as a huge winter storm is headed our way.  As the rain was falling it was getting colder and colder.

By Noon it had changed over to sleet/ice pellets and covered the ground with about 1 and half inches before finally switching all the way over to snow.

It was pretty dark by the time I got outside to take pics so its really hard to see here.

It sure was pretty. And just in time for Christmas.  Its not often I've gotten a white Christmas.  Before bed we let the boys outside.

Anixously awaiting Santa..... like I've mentioned many times before this is the first Christmas we have been home and it so exciting for Buddy to wait for Santa.  Hope he comes.

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