Saturday, July 16, 2011

We are on vacation....

And it has been an adventure. I'm taking most of my pictures with the big camera so I'm not able to blog them. But here's a few random phone pics

LG familiarizing himself with the workings of the Boeing 737 on our flight to Denver.
It was adventure in itself flying with the boys by myself. But they are such pros at it that it was just trying to keep them quite on the plane that was hard. We no longer have a DS, movies player or any screened device to keep them entertained.

While The Man was busy with his class, the boys and I wondered around Golden.

They've had lots of afternoon thunderstorms so all the creeks were really high.

Rock climbing at the park.

Babe has become obsessed with dogs. It makes our visits to parks very short because the moment he sees a dog he is off and running or screaming to get out of his stroller.

After dinner stroll.

We also visited the Lego store. This was awesome.

Friday night we left Golden for the mountains. WOW.
More to come.

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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