Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Ten on Tuesday

Folks seemed to like my Thursday Thoughts so heres a Ten on Tuesday post.  I think I might have done one of these last year, but who knows.

1.  Free Dress!  Today was the once a month free dress day at school and beleive M.E. when I say this is BIG deal.  It got a grumpy Buddy right out of bed, when I told him it was free dress to pick out his clothes. 
He wanted girl scout cookies for breakfast, um no!
2.  After taking Buddy to school and eating breakfast, LG started playing Star Wars Lego on the wii.  He is getting really good which absolutely amazes M.E.  However there are a few jumps and tricks he hasn't mastered so on those, he yells, "Mom come help me" so I'd swing through the living room between my chores and help him out.

3.  One such chore - laundry, lots of laundry.  I read on Stacy Julian blog a couple of weeks ago, where a friend of hers compared laundry to scrapbooking and you know its so true. 
a) you are never caught up
b) you always forget something
c) its just a bunch of sorting and resorting
d) I could go on.

4.  At the end of LG's hour of the wii, he had made it to the final stage of episode I.  (the game has all six Star Wars movies broken down into six scenes)  Today was the first time any of us had made it to a last scene.  Unfortunately there was some tricky moves in defeating Darth Mahl, so M.E. to the rescue. 
LG was hugging and kissing all over M.E. for help him complete espisode I.  Check it out. Its just like the movie.

5.  Then it was back to another miserable chore. The bath tub.  I'm usually pretty good about cleaning our tub, I mean after all, I don't want to sit LG in a dirty & hairy tub for a bath.  But with the increasing size of my belly is becoming increasingly hard to scrub the tub, and just the idea of cleaning it while I'm in there takes all the relaxing away from my shower time.  Thus, I purchased some of the newly advertised Soft Scrub that supposely the bomb and will clean the tub with little effort on my part.
NOT!  I had to use a half a bottle and I'm still not happy with the results.  I will not be purchasing this again.

Who cares that it can spray upside down - it needs to clean my tub!
6.  After chores, LG and I headed to the post office for some stamps, so I could drop off this very important and I mean, VERY IMPORTANT, letter in the mail.
Our last Van payment!

I'm so proud of the Man for working so hard and supporting our family.

7.  After school Buddy wanted to play the wii, so while he was playing wii  sports he decided to make a new mii for one of his friend.  I suggested that perhaps we edit my mii. (characters that represent ourselves)
Before - this totally looks like M.E.

Buddy made M.E. shorter and much fatter - maxium density actually.  I think its hilarous that my mii was blinking thus my eyes are closed for this photo.

8.  It is impossible for M.E. to make a small batch of mashed potatoes.  I just can't do it, there must be leftovers. 

9.  After supper, LG loves to snuggle with Daddy.  Here they play his leapster.

10.  My family loves the Food Network - last night was Alton Brown on Good Eats, tonight Duff on Ace of Cakes, later this week Adam Richmand on Man vs. Food (oops thats travel channel) so I guess I should rephrase and say, my family loves food shows.

Happy Tuesday!

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